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Why Donate to Sadhana USA? (click here for contact info)

When your organizations mission is to enrich the lives of children, clearly you will have things in common with other great organizations working toward these same goals. However, it is also important to be clear how Sadhana USA may be different than similar organizations like the YMCA, Boys/Girls Clubs or Boys/Girls Scouts.

Sadhana USA's, youth programming is lead by older adults that have a year round relationship with each member in attendance. So as youth members move from after school programming, to holiday camps and eventually summer day camps, the same coach has been with them monitoring individual progress and changes in group dynamics.  The member/coach relationship becomes rooted in trust and allows the coach to challenge each member to be their personal best in body, mind and spirit!  In addition to this dynamic relationship between the coach and member, each child will be challenged and supported by peers and older role models that have experienced the same training but from a different personal perspective. Year round relationships, become life long relationships that cross over traditional boundaries found in our communities.

Sadhana USA recognizes the complexity of attaining values of persistence, contentment, tolerance, hope and self confidence. We also realize we are a part of a team of people helping each child pursue these goals. So while we try to make the programming as fun as possible, we still see value in teaching youth how to be disciplined about the work that needs to be done.  Some days this work is Societal Service done at our partner organizations in the community. Often it is the personal work practicing Somatic Skills, getting one more repetition in this week even though your mind is telling your body to quit. Sometimes it is the work of supporting another member trying to be his/her personal best.  It is proven, as our members feel challenged, then work in a disciplined manner to face the challenge and ultimately feel successful in overcoming the challenge, they grow in self confidence.

Finally, many secular organizations avoid the sometimes polarizing topic of spirituality. Sadhana USA understands there are many personal paths of spiritual exploration and that many members are rooted in a deep personal understanding of their own spirituality. While others are skeptical about the idea that we may have an energy inside us that can't yet be explained by science. With love, acceptance and patience we encourage our youth to think/feel/meditate on these complex issues. We do not present a uniform path for all to follow, rather support the path the child is already on. It is not a reasonable goal to reconcile this complex topic with each member but it is critical that we Stimulate Spirituality in our community.  To this end, we make daily, weekly, yearly commitments to provide our members the opportunity to experience serving those in need. Our members develop acceptance of those they see as different, compassion for those they see as less fortunate and joy from applying their learned work ethic toward a universal goal.