Corporate Sponsors

woop woop hejhje

Kingdom Sponsors:  Sadhana USA’s largest corporate supporter would donate each quarter equal to its donation in the prior quarter or equal to the average of the top three Sponsors, whichever is highest. Kingdom sponsors have exclusive rights to their choice of vertical markets in all markets not previously sold . Kingdom sponsors act as stewards of Sadhana USA by challenging other Corporate Donors to increase their financial support.

International Sponsors donate annually or quarterly and also have exclusive rights to their choice of vertical market in all facilities;

National Sponsors donate annually or quarterly and have rights to vertical markets in the USA where that vertical market has not been allocated to an international sponsor;

Regional Sponsors donate annually, quarterly or monthly and have rights to vertical markets within the region of their choice where that vertical market has not been allocated to a National Sponsor or a different regional sponsor; or an existing Local Sponsor.

Local Sponsors donate annually, quarterly or monthly and have exclusive rights to the market they want as long as that market has not been allocated to a regional sponsor or other local sponsor. 

An existing local sponsor will not have their sponsorship terminated or given to a new regional/national/international sponsor when one is found for their vertical market. As long as they continue to renew, they will own the rights for that market. When a sponsorship agreement expires and the vertical market becomes available for that geographical location, it will first be offered to the Kingdom sponsor, and then the International, and so forth. This ensures existing sponsors are rewarded for their ongoing support before targeting new sponsors.